We are more than just engineers. We are a team, and whenever you bring your music through our doors, you get the whole team. everyone who works here grew up in bands and knows firsthand the importance of having their music (that contains their own blood, sweat, and tears) recorded and brought to life.

The year was 1994. Bill Stevenson and his band ALL had just landed a large contract with their label at the time and instead of turning and spending their advance on recording time, they decided to finally build their own studio. Having toured through Fort Collins and enjoyed the small town nature and sense of community, ALL decided to depart from the increasingly polluted, expensive and congested Los Angeles area and build their studio here. With the help of Stephen Egerton’s father Dan and his years of experience as a carpenter, ALL began construction on what today is called Studio A, but back then was simply referred to as “the studio.” Living arrangements had not quite been made prior to moving, so band members spent their nights on the floor of the studio for much of the construction process. The studio was built with the sole purpose of ALL having a space to record and practice in, but before there was even paint on the walls, bands were calling and knocking on the door to have them produce their records. They quickly realized The Blasting Room was going to be a business with a life of its own…